Efficiently managing expenses is vital for maintaining financial stability and fostering growth in today’s dynamic business environment. That’s where the Expense Sub-Module proves invaluable. Specifically designed to aid businesses in tracking, analyzing, and optimizing their expenses, it encompasses a wide array of comprehensive features that streamline the entirety of the expense management process. The Expense Sub-Module offers various predefined categories, such as groceries, shopping, housing, transportation, operational costs, payroll expenses, insurance, and taxation, ensuring comprehensive coverage and effective expense organization.
Creating Expenses:
- Navigate to Finance
- Select Expense
- Click the Add Expense
Basic Information:

- Enter Expense Name
- Select Category
- Enter sub-category
- Enter date

- Expense No. auto-generated
- Select Payer
- Select the Payee
- Select the Currency
- Select associated Account
- Enter Amount
- Select Status: “Created”, “Credit Expense” or “Paid”
- Assign the Expense
- Upload Receipt (if applicable)
- Save the entry.