Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with multiple network sites maintain an interconnected infrastructure to deliver Internet services to customers. In this context, a network site is a specific location within the ISP’s infrastructure where services are offered or managed. These network sites are strategically positioned to ensure widespread coverage and efficient internet connectivity. WispGate offers three options to assist ISPs in effectively managing their networks:
Network Sites:
These sites are owned and operated by the ISP. They consist of all the ISPs’ points of presence (PoPs), interconnected through wireless, fiber, or other technologies. Network sites serve as hubs within the ISP’s infrastructure, facilitating smooth connectivity.
To create a Network Site:
- Navigate to Networking
- Select Sites
- Click the Add Site button to begin adding sites
- Add Site name (*)
- Add address
- Assign site to (*)
- Select Site type, and choose Network site as shown below.

- Enter site coverage area
- Set a Site Tag (a piece of description mainly the location)
- Enter tower height
- For the site to appear on the map, enter the Latitude and Longitude
- Paste both coordinates in the field “Paste Coordinates”
- Add a brief description
- Save the Site
Subscriber Sites:
These sites correspond to locations where the ISP’s customers are directly served. They are where customers have their Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) installed, enabling them to access the ISP’s network and internet services. Subscriber sites typically include residential homes, businesses, and other customer-facing premises.
Creating a Subscriber Site:
- Click Site
- Click the Add Site button to begin adding sites
- Add Site name (*)
- Add address
- Assign site to (*)

For the site to appear on the map, enter the Latitude and Longitude Paste both coordinates in the field “Paste Coordinates” Add brief description Save the Site
Standalone Sites:
These sites are not under the direct management or control of the ISP, but the ISP still provides services to them. For example, a hotel may have its network infrastructure, but the ISP offers internet connectivity services to the hotel. Although the ISP may not have complete control over standalone sites, they provide essential services to meet the connectivity needs of these locations.
To create a Standalone site
- Click the Add Site button
- Add Site name (*)
- Add address
- Assign the site to (*)

To verify that all sites were added correctly, they should appear as shown:

To view a specific category of sites, click the desire option as shown

Each category displays the number of total sites as shown next to Network and Subscriber Sites