The Topology module gives a physical and logical layout of interconnected sites in your network. It shows a Google map of your network and all communication links. This can be helpful for link monitoring should a link go down, the link will appear in red on the map. Once the link is up and running, the link will show green. This integration with Google Maps would allow you to view sites using satellite view.

From topology, we can create Sites and Devices, Activate Devices, Attach Link and Detach Link. These processes are covered under the Site Module and Device Module respectively.
Device Activation:
To activate a device to show up on the map, click the Activate Device button. A dialog box now appears as shown below.

- Select the particular device (Eg. device at the site you want to appear on the map).
- Select Asset (assets are the products or devices you use in your network). How assets are added is covered under Assets.
- Once the device and asset are selected, click submit to save. The device will now show up on the topology map.
Link Attachment
The link attachment shows the connection between the sites
- Click the Attack Link, and a dialog box should appear as shown

- Select the Source Site (Site from)
- Select the Source Device (Device from)
- Select the Destination Site (Site to)
- Select Destination Device (Device to), and click submit to save.
Detaching a link:
To detach a link means to disconnect or separate the link from both source and destination.
- Select the particular Source Device and Destination Device to detach, and click submit to save. Be sure you know the action to detach links as this will remove the devices from the topology ma
Site Details:
Site details provide an overview of the structure and configuration of the network topology represented on a map. These details offer important information about each specific site within the network. With site details, you have the option to edit, delete, or view the specific information associated with a particular site.

Sites with red dots would indicate that the sites are down, or not properly configured Sites with green dots would indicate that the sites are up and running and displayed on the map with links.